miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2012

Roald Dahl's Umbrella Man Character Description

The Girl
She is a twelve years old girl. She likes ice creams and she is a very trusted and compassionate person.

The Mother
She is a thirty four years old lady. She isn’t a trusted person at all. She always consider necessary to examine people before trusting them. And she is a stubborn person; she didn’t let go things just because.

The Umbrella Man
He is about 70 years old. He is a little old man but he is in very good shape. He is well-dressed, well-spoken and appears to be very polite but the truth is that he is a bold-faced jerk. He is an alcoholic that steals other people things in order to sell them for pennies through lies and other people compassion and then buy alcohol.

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