martes, 9 de octubre de 2012


It's election time and it 

remind me of a song which I like.

Here is the lyrics, underlined phrases will be explained below.


It's not the right time to be sober now the idiots have taken over

spreading like a social cancer is there an answer

Mensa membership conceding, tell me why (and how) are all the stupid people breeding
Watson, it's really elementary, the industrial revolution has flipped a bitch on evolution
the benevolent and wise are being thwarted, ostracized, what a bummer
the world keeps getting dumber insensitivity is standard, and faith is being fancied over reason
Darwin's rolling over in his coffin, cuz the fittest are surviving much less often
now everything seems to be reversing, and it's worsening
someone flopped a steamer in the gene pool
now angry mob mentality is no longer the exception it's the rule
and i'm starting to feel a lot like Charlton Heston, stranded on a primate planet
apes and orangutans that ran into the ground, with generals and the armies who obeyed them
followers following fables, philosophies that enable them to rule without regard
it sounds all too familiar.
There's no point for democracy when ignorance is celebrated
political scientists get the same one vote as some arkansas inbred
majority rule don't work in mental institutions
sometimes the smallest softests voice carries the grand biggest solutions
What are we left with, a nation of god fearing pregnant nationalists
who feel it's their duty to populate the homeland
pass on traditions, how to get ahead religions, and prosperity via simpleton culture
The idiots are taking over

Take Over: It refers to take control or charge of something.

Mensa membership conceding: Mensa is an international society of high IQ people. This phrase refers to the fact that nowadays anyone is considered highly-gifted.

Watson, it's really elementary: This phrase refers to something that is in fact obvius. It was made famous by Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes in this form: "Elementary, my dear Watson"

Flipped a bitch: To flip the bitch or flip a bitch refers to making an U-turn in a car, so you were going forward and then you are going backwards.

Darwin's rolling over in his coffin: It refers to Charles Darwin, famous naturalist that studied the evolution and wrote The Origin of Species

Flopped a steamer: I'm not sure if this refers to poop or to fart

Gene pool: A gene pool is the total of all genes, or genetic information, in a population.

Charlton Heston: He is the actor who played the protagonistic role of George Taylor in the original "Planet of the Apes" film. This film is about an astronaut who landed in a planet in which the apes were the dominant race whereas the humans were considered a inferior race.

2 comentarios:

  1. I think the lyrics are cool. Sometimes people who tends to interpret all literal might misunderstand those phrases. Thank you for this revealing explanation.Idiots are happier than smart people, they do not spend too much time thinking things.

    Btw, I flipped a bitch yesterday!

  2. what a bummer
    the world keeps getting dumber

    Pitty he couldn't include Facebook... The dumbing of the world...I wonder how many people will have even the foggiest what this means!

    Funny, I think it was Jesus (I'm not a fan) who said: To those that have will be given, from those that have not, will be taken.

    See George Carlin (on religion) on Youtube for some fun.
